September 10, 2011



And I give myself away.

We crash onto the ground
And all is silent, save, the rustling of leaves--
The disquietude in my heart,
And all is sweet, save, the taste of tobacco
Mingling with the cooling air,
And all is calm, save, the teeming of pestilent thoughts;
Of your salacious smile
And all is bright, save, the rapid-darkening night
as our lips lock...

Then I awake.

8 coments:

Luc said...


Liuba. said...

pentru nimic >:D<

29 decembrie said...

sunt extraordinare fotografiile!!!;x

Liuba. said...

multumesc frumos.>:D<

Voroneanu Tiberiu said...

oooh, uite-o si pe Luc a noastra :)

Liuba. said...

da, da!! :)

Lola. said...

thanks. ma bucur

Luc said...

Da, Luc fata aia frumoasa si dulce ca o savarina!