November 19, 2011

Did you know?

The heart has been seen for centuries as a symbolic organ associated with love and emotion. The heart has intelligence and plays a particular role in our experience of emotion and memory.
The most interesting thing about heart transplant is that one completely loses his own heart and be replaced with someone else's, yet still has the feelings for the same person he loves. This proves that love works in the minds of people and not in their hearts. Bottom line is that, love is a state of mind. You'll learn how to forget only if you try doing so...

6 coments:

Erna said...

adevarat:) nu exista "nu pot sa uit", ci doar "nu vreau". iar daca nu vrei, e cu siguranta pentru ca inca nu esti pregatit sa spui adio:)

Skade said...

"You learn to love" This is what my teacher told us in a class, I believe him. This is a very good post. Love your blog, Follow you right now ;)


Liuba. said...

Glad you liked it.
Thank you very much!!!

29 decembrie said...

imi place fiecare rand..

Rosaline said...

iubirea este ceva care depaseste inima si trupul, este ceva adanc inradacinat in noi insine, ca fiinte, nu ca fapturi. Este in mintea noastra, in amintiri, in gandire, in suflet.

Rosaline said...

p.s.: citatul din titlu vrea sa spuna ca totul este zadarnic? cat de dureros ar fi daca am gandi asa!